Sunday, August 1, 2010


Pics from my new camera ;)

Sis wanted sushi so we ordered food from our usual jap restaurant. This has been my go to jap place but I'm probably not the best person to rate a japanese place since I only eat eel rolls ;)

Eel Avocado Rolls ($2.75 each) and whatever that thing is on the side

I love their eel. It's fresh..well, as fresh as eel can be. The avocado is pretty good too.

Eel Hand Rolls ($2.75 each) and whatever that orange thing is

I didn't eat this but I'm guessing it's the same thing as my eel rolls. Why would someone get this? Isn't it just easier to eat the regular rolls?

Eel over Rice - $10.50

H's order.

Miso Soup
Your typical miso soup.

Our ginger and wasabi

I think the pics came out great. Even though I've only used this camera once, I like it already ;) I can't wait to use it on my upcoming trip.

P.S. - I shouldn't have used flash on these pics. I didn't need it and I think it messed up the pics a bit. Some of the sections are a bit dark and I think it's b/c of the flash.

2832 Coney Island Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11235