Monday, July 26, 2010

Nha Trang One

So I was finally able to take some pics of my viet place in chinatown.

I've been going here for many many moons now. I have a hate/love relationship with this place. Too lazy to explain the details but long story short, my hungry self couldn't resist going back after "boycotting" this place.

Every time I go here, I order two things: The bbq pork chops over rice and fried spring rolls.

Out of all the viet restaurants I've been to, this place has the best fried spring rolls. I like it because it's crispy and the meat is pretty good tasting. Actually, I think the best part of these spring rolls is the fact that the meat actually taste cooked. It seems that every restaurant that I go to, the inside meat of a spring roll just doesn't taste like it's fully cooked. I don't know if they just put too much meat inside or they just don't cook it enough. Either way, I really like the way this meat taste.

...I've ended having to force H to eat some of these or else I end up eating all addition to my main course.

BBQ Pork Chops over rice. This dish used to be one of my favs too. However, recently I've found that it's been somewhat inconsistent. Sometimes, the pork chops taste really flavorful and good and sometimes it taste pretty bland. If this is cooked right, it's pretty yummy. The pork chops are thin, which I love because I hate thick meat. It's the best when they make it well done, however, they rarely cook it well done enough for me. Ah well.

This is H's dish. He always orders this too. I'm not really sure how it taste. I always order my two dishes so I don't really eat any of his. When I crave Pho, I usually go to the viet place by my house.

And of course, an Iced Tea w. Milk for H.

Nha Trang One
87 Baxter St
(between Walker St & White St)
New York, NY 10013