Monday, August 2, 2010

Banh Mi Saigon Bakery

One of my favorite Vietnamese sandwich places.

They relocated recently I believe. The new place is a big bigger and there are more seats. There's still a jewelry shop inside though. I'm guessing they are somehow associated with each other?

Banh Mi Saigon (Pork) - $3.75

I remember eating this sandwich back when the shop used to be under the Manhattan bridge. The place was like 1/15 the size of the current place and it was always crowded. The sandwiches would also sell out really quick too. You could always count on having a good sandwich.

These days though (well, since they moved out of that little shop under the bridge), the sandwiches have been fairly inconsistent. When it's fresh, it's really good. When it's not, it tastes okay. The problem is mainly with the bread. Sometimes, their bread is hard as a rock. Ever since they moved to the new place, I've noticed that they started to make their sandwiches in bulk. I'm guessing this causes the bread to be exposed to the air more, which hardens the bread quicker? It's either that or they just have been getting crappy bread to begin with.

Anyways, I recommend going to this place when it's busy (lunch time) so the sandwiches are fresher.

Banh Mi Saigon Bakery
198 Grand St.
New York, NY 10013