Monday, April 12, 2010

Viet Bistro - Falls Church, VA

When my bro asked me if I wanted to Washington, D.C with the parents, I gladly agreed. I figured it would be nice to spend time with my parents would be great to eat some viet food in virginia!

We got there later than we wanted to...around 3pm. We went to the Eden Center for our first (and all) meal.

This wasn't your typical local viet place. It was a bit modern and I think they were trying to go for a semi fancy feel. The place had a few customers and the staff was somewhat attentive. 

Iced Coffee

This was really sweet. I was hoping that the melting of the ice would make it less sweet but it didn't.  

Crispy Spring Rolls - $3.95

Sadly, this was the best dish imo. It wasn't the greatest spring rolls but good enough. The meat didn't have that "uncooked" taste to it which I liked and the skin was crispy.

Chicken Wings in Fish Sauce - $9.50

When this dish came, I was pretty excited. It looked good but I was kinda disappointed. It was on the salty side and there wasn't much flavor. I ended up thinking about those korean wings while chewing on this...

Sweet and Sour Shrimp Soup - $12.50 

Don't ask me why but I was expected something that was similar to tom yum soup. This was nothing like that. It wasn't sour or spicy (which I thought it would be for some reason). The soup had some flavor but it was a little bit on the bland side.  

Beef Medium Done in Tamarind Sauce - $9.50

Blah, this was my least favorite. I hate meat that's not well done. I barely ate one piece.
Pork Chops

This was eh also. I like my pork chops very thin and this was on the thick side. The meat was a bit chewy, dry and tasteless. Didn't eat much of this either. 

Caramel Fish Fillet - $10.50

This was also pretty salty so I only had a piece or so. That's all I can really remember about this.
"Shaky" Beef - $13.50

The meat was cold which I didn't expected. Again, it tasted too "meaty" for me. It didn't have much favor and the meat was a bit too thick for me.

I liked the tea. It came in a cute pot, which was pretty hot. Good thing I kinda knew and slowly touched it.

So overall, I really didn't like my meal. My bro ordered the majority of the dishes and I think he either ordered the wrong dishes or the cooking was a bit off. In the end, everyone was a bit disappointed.

Viet Bistro
6799 Wilson Boulevard #11
Falls Church, VA 22044