Monday, May 17, 2010

Uncle Louie G

After eating that big meal, some of us wanted to take a short walk to "walk" off the calories. The fact that we were walking to get some dessert is besides the point. After some debate, we ended up here.

Never heard of this place but based on the website, it looks like it's a big chain.

I forgot to take a pic of the flavors but here's a pic of the prices.

My friend got this.

I believe this was Spumoni. I think my friend said it was a ice cream. Not sure if she liked it. I think she ate most of it though.

I got this.

I didn't have time to think so I just picked my usual coconut flavor. It wasn't bad. I can't decide whether it as better or worst than my usual Italian Ice place. I'm definitely gonna try a different flavor the next time I see this place.

(Btw, I had to do some cropping in that last picture. I was holding the cup a little too close to my tummy and my friend captured a little too much ;).  I blame it on the big meal I just had.

Uncle Louie G
341 Graham Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11211