Tuesday, May 18, 2010

NYC Cravings Truck

So I've heard about this food truck a couple of time already. A friend of my mentioned it again yesterday and since it was going to be around my work area today, I decided to give it a try. I wasn't sure what to expect from it. It had good reviews and seemed to be somewhat recognized. The menu didn't really stand out to me but hey, I figured it wouldn't hurt to try.

So even though it was raining out, I decided to follow through with my decision. Man, the walk was a lot further than I expected. I even past by shake shack on my way there. With the rain and wind blowing against me, I was starting to regret my decision.

Anyway, after waiting in a very short line for about 10 mins, I ordered #2 on the menu. 

I think there was about five people ahead of it. The service was a little slow since I waited for about 10 mins. Some people got their food faster than others. I guess it depends on what people order.

Taiwanese style fried pork chop over rice with pork sauce ($7)

I opted for the pork chops because the pictures of the fried chicken didn't look that great. The pork chop was of medium size. It wasn't too thick or thin. There was nothing special about it. It was a bit hard and dry. The special pork sauce was a bit salty. I'm not sure what was special about it. Honestly, I was kinda disappointed with this. It really wasn't that good. It wasn't bad either. I would say it's just edible. It wasn't good enough for me to want seconds and it wasn't bad enough for me throw it away. I initially wanted to go back next week and try the chicken but I think I'll hold off on that.

NYC Cravings
Locations varies depending on the day