Friday, August 6, 2010

Red's Eats - Day 2

The original plan was to go to Gilbert’s Chowder House for dinner but they close at 10pm and at 8, we both were still stuffed from our previous meal. Since Red's Eats was only 15 mins from our hotel (and they close at 11), we decided to head there again.

I got the lobster roll again and fries. H on the other hand, missed meat so he got some ham and cheese sandwich (they called it Yumbo).The yumbo was pretty good. It was warm, the cheese was melted and it was on a butter bun.

So my lobster, it was so much better tonight! Not because the food quality was better but because I adjusted my eating style. Yesterday, I was kinda overwhelmed with the amount of lobster on the roll. Today, I took off two of the tail pieces and gave it to H. After I did that, the roll was perfect for me. Since I think the butter roll is as yummy as the lobster, I was able to get a good mix of both on every bite. Plus, I tasted the warm butter tonight and it was great.

I now appreciate this place.