Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pancake Pantry

So this was a place picked out by our friends. We were originally going to eat here instead of the Pfunky Griddle but when we got there, we saw a pretty long line. We didn't want to wait so we ended up eating at my choice (Pfunky). 

After seeing the long line, I got interested and decided to head back the next day. We got there around 11 something and there was still a line. We waited about 25 mins so it wasn't too bad. It's just like waiting at a restaurant around dinner time. I guess I'm just not used to see a formal line for a restaurant.

 I should have taken a pic of the line. The line was gone once we finished eating.

 H's chocolate milk and my coffee.

Tennessee Country Ham end slices - $5

H's scrambled eggs and ham. 

Hash Browns - $3 and Steak and Eggs - $14

H's steak and hash browns. The steak was dry according to him. The bread was not bad. The hash browns weren't too bad either. It was chunks of potato with a crispy top.

Old Fashioned Buttermilk Pancakes - $6.15

So since this place was called Pancake pantry, I decided to order pancakes. I initially wanted to order some special pancakes but I punked out at the last minute and got something safe. Damn, I totally made a mistake. I definitely should have been a little bit more adventurous and ordered one of their specials. Other people's pancakes looked good. Mine just looked like....well, ordinary . It tasted ordinary too.

So this was a decent place. It wasn't anything special. If anything, the breakfast was probably like IHOP. I guess I just ordered the wrong dishes.

Oh, and this hot sauce seemed pretty popular there. Not a bad hot sauce.

So that's it for my TN food posts. We ate at one more place but it was bad so I didn't even bother taking pics. The place turned out to be like a take-out. The food wasn't good either. It was called Jack's BBQ. It got really good rating on Yelp but it was horrible to me. What's up with that?

Pancake Pantry
1796 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37212-3704