Friday, August 6, 2010

Maine Lobster Festival Aug 2010

Ah, so the "big" lobster fest.

It was a cloudy and foggy day. It was drizzling when we left our hotel but we got lucky and it stopped once we got to the festival. I think we got there around 11ish.

So this is where they cook the lobster. I didn't get a very good picture of it. Should have taken a view of the front.

We got really lucky and there were no lines at all when we got here. Once we were done eating though, a pretty long line formed. I'm guessing the rain made people stay in their hotels a bit longer.


We got 3 lobsters.

I do have a couple of pics of an opened lobster but it's very unflattering so I won't put them on ;)
Anyway, H said it was really good and very fresh. He basically ate all three. I just ate a half of a tail. I dunno why but I just didn't really care for it.  I don't eat a lot of lobsters so I really didn't know what to expect. To me, it tasted alright. I was expecting or at least I imagined the tail/meat being a bit soft. It wasn't that soft. Maybe I'm just a crab person? 

Anyway, there's like several tents that sell different things. We got some seafood chowder from this place.

I liked this but I don't have much experience with chowders. This is my second time having chowder and it tasted good to me! H said it was good but just your typical chowder.

H likes root beer so I took a sip. Not bad at all. Much better than that damn Dr. Pepper he likes so much.

Some pics of the harbor.

So we spent about two hours at this place. After you eat the lobsters, there really is not much else to do. I could have gotten some of the other food (fried shrimp, fries, onion rings, etc) but I was kinda full and the portions would have been too much. There's some rides but not enough to get you excited. Maybe I'm just not into them anymore?

So in the end, I would come back here but wouldn't care to go out of my way to. At least now I know that I only need to spend a few hours here. It would be nice to go with a group of people so you can somewhat share the food.

So off to the next place!