Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Lobster Shack Restaurant at Two Lights

Ah, the one place I was really looking forward to...It wasn't the food that got my attention but the view!

This place is gorgeous. After we ate our meal, H and I just relaxed on the rocks for a hour. We had our beach chairs so we were comfy ;) I read my book while he "napped". We would have stayed longer but it was freakin cold. I had jeans and my sweater and I was still cold. I think it felt like it was in the 60s. Definitely gonna bring a thicker sweater the next time I go here.

Now, the food...

Outdoor Seating

The line was pretty long. I think I might have waited 20 mins? Not sure. We also had to wait another 10 mins or so for the food. While waiting, I got my Ketchup and tartar sauce ready.

Reg. Fried Shrimp - $10.99
This was really good. The shrimp was fresh and the batter was good. It also wasn't over fried which was good I think.

(Excuse the pic - the sun was behind me so I kinda forgot about the shadow)

Clam Cake - $1.89
This was not good. It was too crunchy and when you ate it, you mostly tasted the batter. You barely tasted any of the clam. It also had a weird taste to it too. We only took a couple of bites of this.

Clamburger Boat - $5.79

This clamburger was pretty good. H liked it as well. It kinda tasted like fish fillet. So if you like that, you should like this. The fries were your typical fries. Nothing great.

This coleslaw came with the food. I'm not a fan of coleslaw so I didn't eat this. I just ate the pickle ;)

Bowl of Lobster Stew - $13.3939
H ordered this. It was okay. He said the lobster were like the crappy lobster pieces. The soup was very watery so I think he just ate the lobster. So this was definitely not worth the $13.39.

Cup of Clam Chowder - $2.99
Remember how I said that I never tasted bad clam chowder? Well, I got to experience that the next day. Man, this was bad. The soup was really watery and just didn't taste good. I took one sip and I just gave it to H. This ended up being my last clam chowder from Maine...blah. I'm gonna try to erase that thought the next time I go to Boston or Maine.

So I think this place should definitely be on the list if you plan on going to maine. The view says enough.

The Lobster Shack at Two Lights
225 Two Lights Road
Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107
Tel: 207.799.1677