Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Korean Instant Noodles

Instant Noodles...so many ways to cook them. You can stir fry them, cook them into a soup or as I like to do it, make them dry. Sounds weird right? I don't think I know anyone but my family making instant noodles dry. It was something I learned from my sister when I was younger. It's just so yummy sometimes. Especially when you are not in the mood for hot soup. The texture is also just different.

This is the brand that I usually use when I want spicy korean noodles. You can get them at any asian food market.
Here's my "Dry" noodles. You can put anything you want in them (dumplings, fish balls, veggies) but I'm usually too lazy and just cook them plain.
You can see the spices soaked into the noodles. Man, these noodles are nice and spicy. When I was younger, I would have a hard time handling them but they are okay now. I guess I've been eating too much spicy food.
H doesn't really like it this style so I cooked him his soup version.

Same brand of noodles but cooked in a different way.  I put more water, eggs, dumplings and fish ball. Yes, just one fish ball. I've had these fish balls in the freezer for awhile now but I just didn't like the looks of the others ones so I tossed them. I think they were fine but I just wanted to make sure. 
I would have also put some veggies in it but my house hardly has any. In the end though, it was still pretty yummy. As always, I took a few "bites" of his dinner to confirm this.
Hoisin mixed with hot Sauce
Good dipping sauce for the fish ball and dumplings.
Overall, it was a yummy dinner.
Oh, and here's what I had for lunch today.
Of course when I tried to put mayo and mustard on my sandwich this morning, I found both containers expired. I guess I should clean out my fridge more. Either that or try to make stuff at home so I can use more of it. Anyway, I had to take some packets from co-worker so that my sandwich would not be so dry. 
The chips were Cape Cod Jalapeno Chips and the sandwich was cajun turkey and american cheese. I haven't made a sandwich for work in awhile so it tasted pretty good.
No leftovers for lunch tomorrow so I think I'm gonna get me some mcdonalds...haven't had that for awhile.