Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Trinidad Trip

So I'm back from Trinidad! The wedding was a nice experience and beach was nice. Here are the food pics!

We got this double from a doubles stand right outside of the airport. It tasted pretty good. Although, my friend said that he didn't like it very much. He said it tasted just like the ones in NYC. I guess that's a bad thing when you're in trinidad.

Here's the food from the first night of the wedding. Both pics is of the same plate. I used flash one of pic and didn't on another. The family made a bunch of food and served it buffet style friday night and also saturday night. We had roti, sweet potatoes, some mango dish (bottom left corner), channa, rice, some potato thing and two other veggie sides. It was pretty good. The roti was nice, soft and warm. The channa was good. I wasn't too crazy about the mango side but H really liked it. The other two veggies sides were okay. I ate mostly the roti and channa. I didn't see the plate of hot sauce but made up for it the second night!

Btw, all of the food was vegetarian. No meat is allowed in the house during the 3-day wedding so I ate a lot of roti and channa! I also eat with my hands too. I could have gotten a fork from the house but I didn't want to stand out ;)

So it seemed like everyone was telling us about the Baked & Shark sandwich by the beach. It sounded interesting so I was kinda hyped up for it.

Here's the row of condiments that you can put on your sandwich.

And here's the main pic:

Looks like fried chicken right? It tasted like chicken too! Hehe. H and I actually shared this sandwich. I ate one piece and he ate the other. The "Baked" part of the Baked & Shark is actually referring to the bread. It's some sort of special bread. The "sandwich"  was actually pretty good. Not super great but good. I had some hot sauce on the side that was super spicy which made this good. Hot sauce always makes a dish yummy ;) And according to H, the meat was "dark meat" and I think that's why it was special. Usually fish is white meat. Oh, and the meat itself was tender.

So on our way to the beach, we had to drive up a mountain. We stopped by a famous look out point and boy the view was nice. But I discovered the best part of my trip here (well, food wise).

MANGO CHOW! This was really really good. It's fresh mango in some sort of sour/chili juice. It's a simple thing but man, I really liked it. I ate a whole bag and I wanted to get more for later but Mr. T pressured me not to! He claimed that it would give me a tummy ache if I ate too much. Damn him. I was never able to go back or find another place that sold this. I'm gonna be craving this forever now...and it's all his fault.

They also sold a bunch of other things and the guy who took us here bought this. It's a Tamarind Ball. Sounded interesting and after eating it, I realized that it's similar to the one they sell in those asian stores.

Oh, and lastly, one our way back home, the guy who was taking us around took us to this doubles stand.

This double was slightly different. It had a hint of sweetness to it. I think I heard H said he liked it. It was pretty good but I was still somewhat disappointed. I only ate two doubles in Trinidad but they both didn't seem all that different from the ones in NYC. Our friend was not allowed to leave the house prior to the wedding so he couldn't take us to his fav doubles stand. All well.

And there is one thing I didn't have a chance to try...their famous chinese food. It's suppose to be good because it's chinese food with a west indian twist to it. Such a shame...I tried to make time for it but it was hard since we weren't allowed to bring meat into the house and we were kind depended on his friend's family/friends to take us around. (I guess we could have ventured out on our own but I didn't feel safe enough to go out into the country by ourselves).

Oh, and I also had their famous KFC but I didn't take any pics of it. I didn't want to look stupid in front of his friend's friend ;). I'm not sure what the big deal is about their KFC. It was good but nothing special I though. Maybe it was because I was rushing when I ate it? Anyway, the hot sauce they had was really good.